How to cultivate an abundance mindset.

The Momentum Files #33

How to cultivate an abundance mindset.

What holds your attention holds you.

You’ve probably heard this said in other ways:

Your perceptions, the thoughts you have, the words you speak, the pictures you form in your head are what make your reality.

And if you tend to get caught up in a scarcity mindset (a consistent focus on what you’re lacking, what you don’t have, what you think you’ll never accomplish, etc.), your reality becomes one of lower productivity, sinking morale, deflated confidence, less risk-taking, missing out on promotions and believing that there just isn’t enough of the pie available for you to get your own piece.

(It’s worth noting that many people, especially those in the corporate world, have been conditioned to exist in a scarcity mindset. They believe that resources are limited, and the more other people take, the less is left for them.)

Adopting an abundance mindset opens the doors to what you can accomplish.

Unlike a negative scarcity mindset, an abundance mindset shifts you into the belief that there is plenty out there for everyone.

There is no finite pie over which everyone is fighting for a piece.

People can achieve their goals and enjoy success… and so can you.

Shifting your mindset to one of abundance will shift the way you perceive the world and shape your reality.

Remember, your energy flows where your attention goes.

Here’s how you can adopt an abundance mindset and achieve positive change.

✅ Practice gratitude.

Oprah once said, “If you look at what you have in life, you’ll always have more. If you look at what you don’t have in life, you’ll never have enough.” Acknowledging what enriches your life will actually improve your outlook and well-being. But incorporating gratitude into your daily routine goes even deeper. Research shows that making space for gratitude improves your mental and physical health and deepens your happiness. Check out what Robert A. Emmons has to say about it (and he should know… he’s the world’s leading scientific expert on gratitude!).

✅ Recognize fact vs. fiction.

When you feel yourself sliding into that scarcity mindset (it’s normal to slide back into what’s familiar, so go easy on yourself if this happens!), pause and look for the truth. Ask yourself, “Is what I’m thinking true, or is it a self-limiting belief (there isn’t room for me and my success, etc.)?” “What proof do I have that this belief is true?” If no proof exists, you’re likely thinking this way out of habit and conditioning. Look at the situation again with fresh eyes and an abundance perspective, and you’ll likely find a very different (and better) reality.

✅ Hang out with other people who have an abundance mindset.

What holds your attention holds you. If you’re surrounded by glass half-empty people, you’ll start seeing a lot of half-empty glasses. But when you spend your time with people who focus on abundance and share the belief that there is enough “good stuff” out there for everyone, the quality of your life becomes better and you start to regularly recognize the opportunities and win-win situations that are out there waiting for you.

What’s holding your attention? Do you feel restricted by seemingly limited resources and opportunity… or do you recognize that there is plenty out there for you, for me and for everyone?

Ditch the urge to fight over some imaginary slice of a non-existent pie. Make the mental shift from scarcity to abundance and make room for deeper happiness, new opportunities and a more fulfilling (and delicious) life.

How do you shift focus away from negative thinking and put your energy into seeing the good? Reply and tell me about it!

Cindy Haba